So, you want to go to law school? My Top Tips for LSAT Prep

I took the LSAT twice, I had no idea where to begin so I bought the Kaplan LSAT Unlocked 2018-2019 study book, this book is a great resource to learn the basic principals and the book organization is very helpful. I began studying in May of 2018 and took the June 2018 Exam. I At the beginning I would binge study 3-4 hours, eventually I realized that I was exhausting my brain, so I started breaking down my study into 1 hour to 1 hour-and-a-half chunks of focus.

Kaplan LSAT Unlocked

After learning the general principals and basics, I used free LSAT resources provided by LSAC and started taking and studying practice exams and answers. LSAC also offers additional free resources like a link to the Khan Academy website that has free and amazing resources like videos, practice tests, and answer explanations. The website also offers real time progress tracker and a calendar that reminds you when its time to study. To check out this free website, click here. I used this website a lot and the visual guidance and practice is extremely helpful.

After taking my first LSAT, I wanted to take another try at it to try to get the highest score possible. I continued to study non-stop and felt stuck because I did not see significant improvement on my practice exams. Two weeks before test day I stumbled upon a book called the LSAT Bible. This book was exactly what I needed, the information in this book acted like the missing thread I needed to stitch up all the concepts and principals I have learned thus far. This book saved my life the only down side was the fact that I found this book two weeks before my second attempt at the LSAT.

My LSAT life saver

Finally test day came and went, two weeks later I found out my score improved! I was so excited about my find I started offering the book to classmates. I wish someone would have told me about these resources, but now I can pay it forward and help another aspiring lawyer reach their goal of passing the LSAT and getting accepted to law school. If you want a copy of the LSAT Bible just send me an email or click here to buy your copy.

Good luck and of course feel free to reach out with any questions or any advice on any subject, including test prep, morning routines, and tips for exam day. Remember to subscribe for more. Thanks!