And Like a Phoenix The 3L Rises, What A Ride . . .

Hello there! Well . . . that didn’t go exactly according to plan. But then again, life just doesn’t work out that way.

Please, allow me to reintroduce myself, my name is Lupita! I am, just one of the next generation of lawyers here to shake things up. Or I am otherwise known as the Millennial Law Student. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am Mexican-American, a mother, a wife, a business owner, and community helper. I am working toward being the good I seek. For example, a brillant law student and I worked together to address a need. We helped bridge the gap in communication to make sure the lcoal hispanic community can have access tto COVID aid, of which they are entitled.

In honor of making it to the last year of law school, I have decided to share my 3L journey. This is such a transitional time for me. I want to share what I wish I knew when I was an aspiring law student during the application process, an eager 1L just trying to learn the ropes, and now thinking of what comes next. My survival tips and tricks. How to remember to follow your passion, and everything else I want to share about mananging the trenches as I fight through my final year as a law student.

Some would say I am a successful law student. This summer I am working as an intern at the local Public Defender’s Office. This year I will be serving in various positions. I am Student Justice on the Honor Council, Moot Court Board Member, Vice-President of the Hispanic Law Student Association, National Student Leader on the Hispanic National Bar Association’s Law Studend Division Board, and serve on the board of other studnet organizations including American Constitutional Society, Tennessee Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, and International Law Society.

Others might not. I failed a class in first semester Torts I during the first year, on the brink of exclusion, resulting after being hit by a perfect storm of life (including a global pandemic). I had to work even harder to prove to myself that I can do this. Even though I might of tripped running out of the gates, I can now report that not only am I triving at law school I am excelling.

The trenches are not for the weak, its a battlefield out there, survival is the game. It takes commitment, dedication, and hard work to be successful. But, its not all doom and gloom. The secret is that anyone can do it! Sometimes its the simple things that get us through the day like planning a self-care treat during the day, or setting sepcific times where you plan on updating your daily calendar and schedule managment. Just know that in my experience, its the passionate ones who are the most successful.

Follow me to take a ride into my world and my journey from aspiring attorney to licensed attorney. Lets shake things up, shall we. Join me by hitting subscribe above! Stay tuned for a Youtube video soon, click here to follow and subscribe!

Selfie taken Summer before beginning the Fall Semester, July 2021

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