Top Tools to Ensure a Successful Transition to Virtural Law School

  1. Be hyper organized

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In the virtual setting accountability no longer exists or is not easily acquried by simply “showing up,” therfore, you must create it. Break up assignments into chunks or phases, set due dates with a cushion time to ensure you have time in case life does not work out as planned. A rule of thumb is to plan out your week and revise your plans every few days. Keep your daily to do list down to your top three tasks that must be completed.

2. Create your personal sanctuary

Buy a yoga or workout mat

Working from home and adjusting to virtual schooling takes alot of work, but you can be sucessful. Working in some form of exercise is essential for optimal performance. Exercise plays into proper mental and physical health. Our bodies were not designed to be dormant and our minds need the chemicals produced while exercising. The brain is a muscle that also demands proper care.

3. Prepare to be on camera

Buy a webcam cover

Privacy is important, however technology is tricky. There are times where you might not want your classmates or collegues looking at you. I recommending purchasing thin webcam covers that can fit on both laptop and phone.

5. And if you have money to splurge…

Buy a pair of Apple AirPods Pro

Keeping in mind the fact that the Apple AirPod Pro will cost you a bit over $250.00. The benefits it provides makes the price well worth the investment. Full disclosure: Toward the end of 1L year, I won an Airpod Pro giveaway raffel! I was suprised to find that Apple did actually improve on the original airpod model in ways I did not think possible. Not only did Apple improve the button on the ear, they also added sophasiticated noise cancellation technology. I was shocked when I activated the feature because I could no longer hear the hum of the refridgerator. With so many distractions at home, my Airpod Pro headphones are indespinsable for sanity and focus by blocking out background noises, which was especially useful during exams.

Buy a second screen

I purchased a dual-screen monitor and I have never looked back. A second screen is essential to increasing efficiency in a virtual format, especially if you take typed notes. If you have money to invest, when used properly a second screen can help increase overall productivity. Now, I can watch my lecture and take typed notes with ease.

Thanks for reading! Make sure to follow for more, and stay tuned for more tips and tricks for surviving virtual education.

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